The outline of a hand on some of the images is to help put their sizes in perspective. The cabinets are approximately to relative scale.
Model designations are those of the cabinets or cabinet families, not the processors. There are some model drawings I haven’t found or made yet.
- VS7000 series models with lower numbers than 73XX are narrower than the VS7300 shown.
- The VS300 cabinet is about the same as the VS7300 shown.
- VS8200 series cabinets are narrower than the VS8400 shown.
- The VS5000/6000 cabinets shown are line drawings of the VS5000 series. The cabinets of the VS6000 series are the same sizes.
- The VS6230 and 6230T are usually in a 10-slot cabinet the same size as the VS5600/6010 shown, although the style is slightly different than that shown.
- The VS10000 models are all in the cabinet shown. This is also the cabinet for the VS12550.
As you can see, the VS5000/6000 5-slot cabinet is about the size of a PC tower. The 10-slot cabinet is a little wider. The high-end VS6230 and VS6230T are very serious data processing systems in very small packages.
The New VS (VS22000) uses completely new hardware. The three New VS formats are 1U rackmount, 2U rackmount and tower/5U-rackmount. The principal host platform used for the New VS is the Dell PowerEdge in models 1850 2850 and 2800.
A comprehensive chart of all VS processors is available. It shows the relative performance, bus widths, user capacities and approximate years of release.
Some of the drawings were provided by Wang and are ©1987-1998 Wang Global, Inc. Others are mine and are © 1998-2005 Thomas Junker.