Zounds! Shareware for the Wang VS? Hey, why not? This actually came up at InterACTION 97. It just took until May of 1998 to begin doing something about it, what with all the other stuff going on around here.
More VS shareware sources may be found at the end of this page.
These files may be freely downloaded. License and fee information is contained in the zip archives. Most are free.
Note to casual visitors: These programs run only on Wang VS computers. They are not PC or unix programs. If you don’t have a VS, you’ll be wasting your time to download anything here.
File | Date | Size | Description |
vsbench3.zip![]() |
08/04/1999 03:56 | 19K | VSBENCH3 identifies VS CP types and models by measuring processor speed. UPDATED for CP16 and also now shows raw processor speed. It is useful for finding out what VS systems you really have out there in WSN networks and for confirming the processors you think you think you have in the systems closer at hand. Verify your VS6230 Turbo upgrade. Verify your VS16000 or 18000 upgrade. FREE! |
meg312.zip![]() |
08/04/1999 05:51 | 417K | MEGAFILE 3.12 is a file compression/decompression utility package for the VS, very much like the various ZIP utilities for PC. It allows you to create compressed archives containing any of the common VS file types and, like BACKUP/RESTORE, recreates them when and where desired with all their original attributes. This package is indispensable for moving VS files through non-VS media and communication channels such as the Internet, particularly for sites that do not have Lightspeed File Exchange. NOTE: Works only from workstation device numbers 255 and lower. FREE! |
filewrtr.zip![]() |
08/04/1999 04:53 | 5K | FILEWRTR allows VS Procedures to write 120-char text records to a log file, automatically creating the file if it doesn’t exit. FREE! |
all203b.zip![]() |
08/04/1999 06:51 | 21K | ALL passes any selection of files to any program that uses GETPARMS. Supports nine sort levels and file selection by attribute. FREEWARE! |
dtruser.zip![]() |
08/04/1999 06:48 | 8K | DTRUSER drops DTR on async devices under procedure control. It has special uses in environments using 2110 async over modems. FREE! |
killer.zip![]() |
08/04/1999 06:49 | 29K | KILLER deletes old print files, unused work files and files and libraries that contain the string ‘JUNK’. Files with zero records may also be deleted. FREE! |
listpri.zip![]() |
08/04/1999 06:45 | 3K | LISTPRI provides a printfile list of any program files that have extended attributes such as additional access rights or modified program priorities. FREE! |
calendar.zip | 05/20/1998 20:25 | 24K | CALENDAR displays a compact, full-month calendar given any input date from 01/01/1900 to 12/31/1999. Useful for quickly seeing day-of-week and for visualizing the week structure surrounding a given date, this is a really a demonstration of enhancing user interfaces with calendar displays. FREE! |
opermsg.zip | 05/22/1998 05:28 | 2K | OPERMSG Subroutine that lets high-level languages issue messages to the Operator just as can be done in Procedure language. FREE! |
sleeper.zip | 05/20/1998 22:21 | 9K | SLEEPER is a performance tool to keep shared files open. In a SHARER environment there is a resource overhead in being the first user to open a file and also the last user to close it. Once files have been opened then SLEEPER sits waiting for a message to close the files. No CPU cycles are consumed while waiting. FREE! |
ssacheck.zip | 05/20/1998 17:46 | 2K | SSACHECK is a subroutine that determines whether the caller is a System Administrator. This is handy for use in Procedures. FREE! |
vsbench2.zip | 05/19/1998 09:05 | 16K | VSBENCH2 identifies VS CP types and models by measuring processor speed. It is useful for finding out what VS systems you really have out there in WSN networks and for confirming what you think you have in the systems you can touch. SUPERCEDED BY VSBENCH3, above. FREE! |
Miscellaneous notes
VSBENCH3 is a utility that identifies VS CP types and models. It’s very useful for finding out what you have out there in a WSN network, and for confirming what you think you have in the systems you can touch. It reports the FAST number, identifies the CP type and range of VS models that match the measured performance within the identified CP type, and handles CP type spoofing up through CP16.
Files are PC zip archives. In some cases when you unzip the file you will get another zip archive, a PGP signature file, and a text file explaining verification. If you don’t use PGP, ignore all that and just unzip the inner zip file. Then you will get the program and, usually, at least a readme file. Unless otherwise indicated, VS programs are straight binary, suitable for upload to the VS by ftp in binary mode or Lightspeed Filex as binary files. If you use ftp you will have to run ftp file conversion or Overeasy to convert the received file to a VS program file with 1024-byte records.
So this is the page, and soon there will be more downloadable items here. I expect to offer files in binary format, zipped for PC, and in VS MEG format where necessary. Wang VS FTP and Lightspeed can each handle byte-for-byte transfers to the VS. I don’t have Lightspeed so I can’t directly prepare files in their backup format (in the 2-1/2 years this site has been here, they’ve never figured out how to get any mileage out of me other than a link in my Vendors page). VS MEGAFILE, a compression package for the VS, is offered here with the kind permission of Wang Australia, thorugh the auspices of Wang New Zealand. MEGAFILE is the only way to pass all kinds of VS files through non-VS media and fully reconstruct them at another VS without using expensive third-party software. VS sites that already have Lightspeed File Exchange can use that as a simpler way than VS FTP of moving the binaries from PC to VS regardless of whether or not the binaries are MEGAFILE encoded.
Please write me if you are interested in offering your own VS shareware here. There’s no charge for this service. You will have to come up with your own shareware license and price, though.
Other VS shareware/freeware sources:
- Bo Schreurs’ Wang VS page with downloadable VS software
Don Winterhalter’s VS Shareware page at hotvs.com (notice how much Don’s page looks like mine… hmmm)…It looks like Don’s page is gone.