TJ News Archived by TM


Get the performance you always wanted, on the cheap

February 6, 2009 (Junker) –A program offering discounted performance tier upgrades has been formulated and approved internally, soon to be announced. The idea is to make it easier and more affordable for customers to move up to a higher performance tier. In the time of the New VS almost no customers have bought tier upgrades. In fact, almost none has even inquired about them. This in spite of the fact that all of us who have worked with the VS know that there has hardly ever been a VS site that didn’t need and want greater performance.

My personal take on the situation is that even though the New VS is entirely virtual and even though its performance is determined by a simple license file, not by hardware, most sites are stuck in the old mentality that associates performance with hardware, and upgrades with uncomfortably high prices and install complexities.

So, sometime soon there will be an announcement of a time-limited, discounted tier upgrade program. The discounts will be substantial and I hope that more than a few New VS sites will take advantage of the program.


Everything you always wanted to know about the New VS

November 13, 2009 (Junker) – There is now a comprehensive and hard-hitting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) just for the New VS:


Feedback is welcome. We’d like to hear from you in our effort to make the new FAQ as complete and accurate as possible.


August 24, 2009 (Junker) – If you are operating a legacy Wang VS system, doing nothing is leading you into very dangerous territory. Meanwhile, conversions and replacements have a terrible, awful track record, and some have utterly crashed and burned. To keep your VS applications running you have to do something. The safest, fastest and most reliable solution is to upgrade to the New VS. If you have been off maintenance, or just off software support, you have been getting a free ride; you should have no trouble affording an upgrade to the New VS. No one in their right mind will depend on critical resources without support, but for reasons I don’t understand, many in the VS community have done exactly that. Here, though, are the facts:

  1. All existing legacy VS equipment is old. With few exceptions most of it is at least 15 or more years old.
  2. Most computer equipment is designed to last five years. This is definitely the case for disk and tape drives.
  3. Spare VS parts, when they are not themselves broken, are also mostly at least 15 years old.
  4. VS maintenance was ended a year ago, in July 2008.
  5. Getronics North America, including the VS technology, was sold to Compucom in August, 2008.
  6. Getronics entities worldwide no longer have access to VS parts or software, only to their own aging spare parts.
  7. A site in Belgium was recently down for about three weeks while Getronics Belgium attempted to repair it.
  8. The New VS is a perfect replacement for all legacy VS systems.
  9. New VS systems have been installed in as little as one day.
  10. Over 80 New VS systems have now been sold in 11 countries.
  11. The New VS is the most reliable, smallest, most fault tolerant and most efficient VS in all of VS history.
  12. Unlike risky conversions and imperfect replacements, the New VS has almost no risk and provides a 100% compatible solution.
  13. In tough economic times, the New VS is the best solution, and ultimately the most economic.

The real bottom line, though, is this:

    • The VS is the lowest cost data processing environment the world has ever seen

It only costs a fraction of competing data processing operations to run a VS. The VS is more efficient in memory, processor and disk space. The VS requires fewer staff to program and operate than any other mainframe-class environment. Everyone who has ever worked with the VS agrees that VS operations require fewer people and less money to operate… perhaps only 10-20% of what other environments cost to operate.

    • The New VS is a no-risk solution

There is no question that the New VS can replace your legacy VS and run all your applications without any conversion of any kind. On the other hand, conversions pose significant risks and may even fail utterly. Over 80 New VS systems have been sold in 11 countries, and all have been successful.


May 27, 2009 (Junker) – This open letter in French from a Swiss customer in Geneva was posted to the Wang VS community website at and is reproduced here with permission of the author. Interested parties in the French-speaking world need only email me to be put in touch with this customer, who invites inquiries.

Depuis 1987, nous avons travaillé sur une plateforme Wang VS (VS6120). Nous avons développé nos propres programmes de gestion, de calculation d’offre et de suivi de chantier. Même 20 ans après sa conception, grâce à des adaptations importantes, notre progiciel métier est toujours très actuel.

Au début des années 2000, nous avons recherché plusieurs solutions de pérennisation (migration ou réécriture). Heureusement nous n’avons pas migré sur une autre plateforme. Le 2 mai 2008, après trois jours de préparation, nous avons transféré nos logiciels sur un VS 22000 (NewVS) et ceci sans avoir effectué une seule modification de programme, ni nouvelle compilation.

Une expérience unique dans la vie d’un informaticien.

Au final, un progiciel qui “tourne” sur une plateforme ouverte de dernière génération. Une économie substancielle. 100 % de satisfaction.

Manifestez votre intérêt ! A bientôt

As near as I can figure, this is the English translation:

“Since 1987 we have used a Wang VS (VS6120). We developed our own management, calculation of supply and follow-up. Even 20 years after its conception, through major changes, our application is still very current.

“In early 2000 we looked at several solutions for achieving sustainability (migration or rewriting). Fortunately we did not migrate to another platform. On 2 May 2008, after three days of preparation, we moved our software to a VS 22000 (NewVS) without having had to make even one program change or new compilation.

“A unique experience in the life of a programmer.

“Finally, our software running on an open platform for the next generation! A substantial saving. 100% satisfaction.

“Show your interest! Cheers!”

Getronics France, among others in Europe, is telling VS customers that the New VS is not viable and that they can keep legacy VS systems running without limit into the future. They are also promoting a conversion to Oracle. A few facts may clarify this:

  1. End of support for legacy VS hardware was announced last year before the sale of Getronics North America to Compucom
  2. Getronics France is no longer part of the organization in the U.S. that owns the VS hardware and software technologies.
  3. Getronics entities had their chance to help customers upgrade to the New VS in 2005, 2006, 2007 and half of 2008. Now they are no longer in the picture.
  4. Getronics France no longer has access to hardware or software from the only legal source in the U.S.
  5. Other than some CPU upgrades, no substantial legacy VS hardware has been manufactured in the last 10-15 years
  6. It is probably not feasible for Getronics to keep VS systems running from old stores of spare parts
  7. Conversions to Oracle do not result in perfect replications of the Wang VS environment
  8. The Oracle license is extremely expensive, probably costing more than upgrade to the New VS
  9. Conversion to Oracle will cost additional, on top of the Oracle license
  10. Conversion to Oracle will require extensive retraining as well as new, expensive database skills in-house
  11. Very few conversions of any kind from the Wang VS have truly been successful
  12. The only current technology on the planet that yields 100% seamless VS results is the New VS
  13. Upgrade to the New VS involves NO CONVERSIONS of programs or data
  14. The New VS is available ONLY from TransVirtual Systems with the cooperation of Compucom U.S.
  15. The VS OS and system software is available ONLY from Compucom, through TransVirtual Systems
  16. New versions of the VS OS will probably not run on legacy VS hardware, only on the New VS
  17. Lightspeed NVS, the mainstay PC connectivity for the VS, is available ONLY from TransVirtual Systems or its authorized agents
  18. As of this writing, 78 New VS systems have been sold in 11 countries, and growing


May 17, 2009 (Junker) – Two of my websites now have a live chat feature. The websites are:

The Unofficial Wang VS Information Center

Wang VS community at

At the moment, the live chat feature is on the blue front page of The Unofficial Wang VS Information Center, and in a text box on the left side of the community site. If we have someone available for chat, the graphic will look like this:

[Live Chat Available]

If we do not have someone available for chat, the graphic will look like this:

[Live Chat NOT Available]

I am presently monitoring the live chat myself. If this works out, and if people utilize it, I will be able to bring others into the loop to provide live chat help for the New VS, for the VS in general, and for Lightspeed. Don’t be bashful. Use this new feature!


Mar 7, 2009 (Junker) – I have created a new Wang VS community website in order to have good forum and blog functionality available to us. It is an experiment, and an extension to this Unofficial Wang VS Information Center, not a replacement. The new community website is here:

Wang VS at


Feb 27, 2009 (Junker) – I will be conducting a series of informal web meetings in coming days and weeks for the purpose of developing effective presentations of the New VS and its features and benefits. I invite all who are interested in the New VS to join me. You needn’t be a New VS customer or even a prospect. All that is needed is that you have some interest or curiosity about the New VS and are willing to spend a little time with us in some informal web meetings. We have an excellent Webex-powered web meeting facility available to us. As I hear from you I will schedule web meetings to be convenient in various time zones around the world.

Please email me to let me know of your willingness to participate, and the days of the weeks and times of the day that would be convenient for you.

This is an opportunity for us to meet each other and discuss the New VS. Live demonstration of New VS features and benefits is what this is all about, and I need your help in determining what you would like to see, what questions you may have, and even what new features might interest you. Some of the obvious directions in which this can go include:

  • See the New VS in operation, live
  • See New VS performance in action (twice VS18950 performance)
  • See Integrated Virtual Tape in action
  • See New VS configuration in action
  • See configuration of virtual IOCs
  • See configuration of virtual disks and other devices
  • See VS/Linux file transfer
  • See Resource Sharing Facility (VS clustering)
  • See WSN-over-IP
  • See the PACE 4GL/RDBMS in action
  • See VS TCP/IP in action


Dec 3, 2008 (Junker) – I’m sorry to have to say that it has come to my attention that Getronics France is trying to discourage VS customers from upgrading to the New VS and that Getronics France and Getronics Belgium are misinforming VS customers that they are authorized providers of Lightspeed NVS support.

Getronics France has reportedly been telling VS customers that the New VS is unproven and unreliable. They are trying to sell conversions to Oracle. In this, Getronics France are doing a great disservice to VS customers, whose path of least risk, least cost and least lead time is to upgrade to the proven New VS.

Facts: The New VS has been successfully installed at over 63 sites in ten countries. The product is an official one of Compucom/Getronics/Wang U.S. and is the certified, sanctioned successor to the legacy VS line. The first installs were done in late 2005 and the product now has a well-establishd track record of success over the course of three years. Customer satisfaction with the New VS has been universal and unanimous. I am astonished that Getronics France would sink this low and go against such easily proven facts.

VS customers in France should contact TransVirtual Systems or the U.S. VS group in Tewksbury, Massachusetts to learn the truth about the New VS and to get references to happy New VS customers in France and other countries in Europe.

Getronics France and Getronics Belgium are reportedly telling VS customers that they are authorized providers of Lightspeed NVS support. This is false.

Facts:Neither company is authorized by Lightspeed NVS to resell or provide Lightspeed NVS support. While anyone can go into business providing claimed “support” for any product of any kind, only authorized providers of support can provide customers with software updates and upgrades. Copyrighted Lightspeed NVS software is available only to registered and currently paid-up customers of Lightspeed NVS and through Jörgen Domberg, the authorized reseller for Europe. Lightspeed customers with valid perpetual licenses may continue to use the last version of Lightspeed NVS sofwtare they received from an authorized source while they were paid-up support customers. Lighspeed NVS customers who are not currently paying for support are not entitled to updates or upgrades of Lightspeed NVS software unless and until they once again pay an authorized provider for support.

Furthemore, VS customers should be aware that claims reportedly being made of “sufficient spare VS parts” to keep legacy VS systems running are shaky at best. Other than some CPU upgrades and peripherals, no VS equipment has been manufactured in the last 10-15 years. This means that most spares such as power supplies, VS boards including IOCs, are old. Also, former Wang/Getronics subsidiaries are no longer part of the “Wang” family and unless they negotiate explicit agreements with Compucom U.S. they no longer have access to parts and support from the VS group in the U.S. and apparently no longer have exclusive control over the pricing and sale of VS products in their countries.

The legacy VS hardware line has reached, even passed, the end of its useful lifetime. All VS sites would be well advised to investigate upgrading to the New VS as soon as possible.

TransVirtual Systems has installed and supports New VS sites in ten countries. No participation of former Getronics subsidiaries is required for VS customers to upgrade to the New VS.

The very first New VS installed in 2005 was installed, accepted and put into production in less than one day. While most New VS installs take a bit longer than that, there is no conversion vendor on the planet who can make such a claim. The New VS is not a conversion or a migration – it is an upgrade to the current line of official Wang VS models.


Aug 21, 2008 (Junker) – CompuCom Systems, Inc., a leading IT outsourcing company, today announced the completion of its acquisition of the North American operations of Getronics.

While no change is anticipated that negatively affects sales and support of the New VS, this acquisition effectively severs the connections between the U.S. VS group and former Wang/Getronics subsidiaries worldwide. In the days of wholly-owned Wang subsidiaries there was a policy that national subsidiaries had complete control over Wang VS pricing, marketing, sales and service in their countries. In the wake of the 1999 acquisition of Wang Laboratories by Getronics of The Netherlands and the subsequent creation of Getronics subsidiaries or partners in many countries, this policy continued to be honored. It now appears that absent new agreements between the now-unrelated Getronics subsidiaries and the Compucom VS group in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, no such policy exists any longer, as there is no basis for it. This appears to place unrelated Getronics companies worldwide in the position of third-party maintainers with respect to the legacy Wang VS.


Jul 21, 2008 (Junker) – Getronics announced today that they are notifying Wang VS customers of the end of support for legacy Wang VS systems and that TransVirtual Systems will henceforth be the exclusive source for VS systems and support in the form of the New VS, TransVirtual’s seamless replacement for the legacy VS.

The key here is that the VS is not dead; it is merely that Getronics is throwing in the towel on supporting the legacy VS hardware, something that had been inevitable. The VS is alive and well in the form of the VS22000 family, also known as the New VS. The VS22000 runs on Dell server hardware and involves no legacy hardware at all unless a customer chooses to make use of certain 928 devices supported by the New VS.

The announcement incorrectly gives Getronics credit for the New VS solution: “So, we have diligently worked to design a transformation solution and process that minimizes migration costs and provides a cost-effective and solid foundation for the future.” Getronics has designed nothing. If TransVirtual had not offered to work with Getronics to bring the new generation of VS to market, based entirely on the VS virtualization technology developed exclusively by TransVirtual, Getronics would have had nothing meaningful to offer its installed base.

The annnouncement also makes out moving to the New VS to be more complicated than it is: “…Getronics will immediately begin working with clients to create a transformation plan based on the client’s specific needs.” No “transformation plan” is required. All a customer need do is communicate with TransVirtual Systems and order the New VS. The upgrade process is very similar to all the VS upgrades customers have done in the past: The New VS is set up, the customer’s IPL volume is restored and configured, the remaining virtual disks are created and initialized, then the remaining volumes are restored in the normal manner. Compatible devices are moved from the legacy system to the New VS. Lightspeed gateway PCs are eliminated except for dedicated print servers. The New VS is IPLd and tested, and a cutover hour set. The very first New VS sold was installed, accepted and put into production in less than one day. While not all installations go that rapidly, the key is that there is zero conversion of programs and data, and the New VS runs all VS software, from the VS OS to utilities and compilers to customer applications, seamlessly, with no modifications or workarounds.

The announcement also omitted providing any information about TransVirtual Systems and any contact information, as is customary in such news releases. In contrast, the 2005 release announcing the contract between Getronics and Transvirtual Systems contained this background:

About TransVirtual Systems

TransVirtual Systems is a young, privately-held Texas company specializing in machine virtualization technology. TransVirtual has extensive in-house experience with Wang®VS™ hardware and software. It is based just outside Houston.

Contact Information

Thomas Junker, TransVirtual Systems
Thomas Junker

It can now be said that TransVirtual Systems is a not-completely-young company with a proven track record of virtualizing the Wang VS. With Getronics and on its own TVS has about 60 New VS systems in production at customer sites in ten countries.

TransVirtual Systems also now owns the Lightspeed NVS product line, acquired in late 2004. The New VS integrates the Lightspeed logon gateway, eliminating the need for outboard PC gateways for logon service. LS desktops connnect directly to the New VS by TCP/IP, exactly as they used to connect to gateway PCs.

Features of the New VS include:

  • Seamless execution of VS code, including the VS OS and all applications
  • Runs under Linux on Dell PowerEdge servers
  • Offers substantially greater fault tolerance than legacy VS systems
  • Offers up to 220% of the performance of the legacy high-end VS18950
  • High-performance internal RAID replaces legacy VS disk drives
  • RAID1 and/or RAID5 are standard
  • Support for SCSI devices, including Wang disk/tape and many more advanced devices
  • Support for SAS, SATA and USB devices
  • Provides full SCU functionality including Control Mode with enhanced features
  • Virtualized 802.3 supports VS TCP/IP
  • Virtualized RSF clusters New VS systems over TCP/IP
  • Virtualized TCB1/WSN supports WSN over IP
  • Integrated Virtual Tape allows replacing physical tapes with tape image files
  • Integrated Lightspeed NVS gateways replace external PC gateways and WLOC
  • Optionally supports “928” coax / twisted-pair devices, up to 32 ports
  • Supports VS OS for CP8, 12, 14, 16, 18. CP9, 9E, 11, 15 get relicensed for supported type
  • Supports up to the full 2 GB of VS memory supported by the VS OS

The TransVirtual Systems website is here:


Nov 20, 2007 (Junker) – Dutch telephone company KPN has acquired Getronics. There wasn’t really much to say during the runup to this and there still isn’t really much to say about it. It is not expected to directly impact VS support by Getronics. If you have concerns, email me.

Recent Reuters stories on the acquisition:


Vitual VS device provides long-awaited “fat pipe”
Remote Oracle database interface
New VS now in six eight countries

Feb 16, 2007 (Junker) – Several new developments enhance the value of the New VS:

VS TCP/IP support

Work has been completed on virtualization of the 802.3 LAN Controller with the result that the New VS now seamlessly runs VS TCP/IP1, including the VS FTP server. The new feature is in final test and is available to existing New VS customers on a beta test basis.

Virtual Device

The New VS now has a Virtual Device that supports multiple data and control connections between VS applications and Linux modules. The initial use of the Virtual Device has been to implement a remote Oracle database interface accessible from COBOL and other application programs (see next item, below). Work is in progress to provide utility functions such as the ability to read and write Linux files from VS applications and to transfer entire files between the VS and Linux environments.

The Virtual Device is the basis for the “fat pipe” that has always been missing in the legacy VS – a facility that can move large amounts of data into and out of the VS environment and interoperate with other types of systems.

Oracle database interface

The New VS now offers the capability of VS applications to access a remote Oracle database. This solution is scalable in the form of a mid layer of traffic managers that supports accesses from multiple New VS systems to the same Oracle server. The design also improves the utilization of Oracle licenses by allowing a single licensed Oracle server to provide database services to multiple New VS systems. The mid layer is both scalable and resilient.

New VS market growth

Market penetration of the New VS now extends to eight countries including the U.S. More are expected soon, as interest is growing and sales are developing around the world.

Note 1: Only VS TCP/IP is supported; other functions of the 802.3 LAN Controller are not yet supported.


Virtual RSF and TCB1/WSN also available

Apr 14, 2006 (Junker) – The New VS (VS22000) now has an available optional 928 PCI card that connects to Wang Cable Concentrators and other devices that accept the Cable Concentrator cable connection. An alternative connection using a cable supplied by TransVirtual allows use of VS5000/6000 24-port APA expansion boxes. This means that a wide range of legacy 928 devices can now be used on the New VS to quickly and seamlessly make use of traditional 928 capabilities.

“928” is the name of the long-standing dual-coax connectivity the VS provides for workstations, printers, certain streamer tape drives, the 800/1600 bpi reel-to-reel tape drive, TCB1 and TCB3 telecommunications devices and other VS peripherals. Its most common form is the dual-coax cable connection from Electrical Active Port Assemblies (EAPAs) on the rear of large VS system units and in Cable Concentrators and certain other connectivity devices. 928 may also be carried over twisted pair using pairs of baluns or by using twisted pair APAs on the VS side. Late model VS worksatations have integrated baluns for optional use of twisted pair instead of dual coax. 928 may also be transported to remote peripheral clusters via fiber optic cable by using the VS Fiberway APA on the VS or in a Cable Concentrator.

The TransVirtual 928 PCI card presently supports and has been preliminarily tested with Wang VS workstations except 4430 in DP, MWS and WP modes, Wang printers in DP and WP modes, Wang PIB (Printer Interface Box) in DP and WP modes, and TCB1 and TCB3 telecommunications devices. New VS customers desiring to have WSN connections to legacy VS systems, SNA links and X.25 links may now utilize those proven VS capabilities. It is now possible to move existing coax or twisted pair VS workstations and printers to the New VS for 100% seamless operation.

The TransVirtual 928 PCI card resides in a PCI slot in the New VS and receives its microcode from the virtual VS just as legacy IOCs do in the legacy VS. The device appears to the VS OS to be a standard 22V97W Universal Serial IOC with 128-device and 32-port capability. TransVirtual supplies the special microcode file required for the card’s operation.

A new Compact Cable Concentrator chassis for convenient mounting of APA panels at the rear of New VS server racks is under development.

The 928 PCI card is available in limited pre-production quantities. Full production quantities should be available in about 60 days.

In other news, Virtual RSF and WSN use TCP/IP transports for clustering and communication between New VS systems only. No special hardware is required. Speeds exceed those of comparable legacy VS interconnects. Virtual WSN has been clocked in CNSMGR Throughput Test at as much as 2.7 megabits/second of net througput, more than ten times faster than WSN over CIU/Wangnet and about 50 times faster than WSN throughput between VS systems linked in the same computer room by synchronous null modems.


First sales booked in the U.S. and in Europe

Dec 07, 2005 (Junker) – The New VS has now been designated as the VS22000 family of Wang VS. Available in an initial three packages designated the VS22100, VS22200 and VS22400, six performance levels are available in each package. See details in the VS Models page.

First sales of the VS22000 have been booked in the U.S. and in Europe. The New VS is off and running.


Getronics and TransVirtual bring a New VS to market

May 17, 2005 (Junker) – See the joint news release on the Getronics Website:

Getronics United States

Or you may view it on the TransVirtual Systems website:

Getronics and Transvirtual Systems Deliver Getronics’ Next-Generation of WANG®VS™ Computer Systems

Early, pre-release customer trials have begun in the U.S. and Europe and are reportedly going well.


Also: LS NVS Product Acquired by Texas Company

January 18, 2005 (Junker) – TransVirtual Systems, a Texas company, is readying new VS technology for release. Expect formal announcements by Getronics and TransVirtual in the next week or so.

A related company, Lightspeed NVS, also of Texas, acquired the Lightspeed NVS product line from Lightspeed Systems of Bakersfield, California, in December of 2004. Plans are moving forward to integrate LS NVS functions into the new VS technology.

More news on both of these developments will be forthcoming.


Urgent that you contact us immediately

July 28, 2004 (Junker) – There is something very big afoot that will affect every VS site and every migration or conversion that hasn’t already passed the point of no return. We cannot disclose the details here on the Website. It doesn’t matter whether your site is on maintenance or not on maintenance, properly licensed or not; this is something you need to know about. To get a heads-up you should contact us immediately. There are details we cannot yet discuss but when you get in touch with us we can tell you generally what this is about.

A special note to the many members of the VS community who visit these pages but have never sent an email to us: Now is the time for every VS site of any type or location to get in touch for this crucially important news. Please email us now.

Click here to send an email asking for more information. Thomas Junker will reply personally.


Urgent que Uds. contáctenos inmediatemente

July 28, 2004 (Junker) – Hay algo grandote en curso de realización que afectará cada sitio de Wang VS y cada migración o conversión que no ha pasado ya el punto de ninguna vuelta. No podemos divulgar los detalles aquí en el Website. No importa si su sitio esté en mantenimiento o no en mantenimiento, licenciado correctamente o no; éste es algo que Ud. necesita saber. Para conseguir una cabezas-para-arriba Ud. debe contactarnos immediatemente. Hay detalles de que todavía no podemos conversar pero cuando Ud. nos contacta podramos explicarle generalmente de lo que pasa.

Apunte especial a los muchos miembros de la comunidad VS que visitan estas páginas pero nunca nos ha enviado ningun email: el Ya és el momento para cada sitio de VS de cualquier tipo o ubicación a ponerse en contacto con nosotros para recibir estas noticias tan importantes. Por favor envíanos un email ya.

Cliquée aquí para enviar un email que pide más información. Thomas Junker le contestará personalmente.

Oproep aan alle VS SITES

Een verbazingwekkende ontwikkeling is gaande voor de VS gemeenschap.

Urgent dat u onmiddelijk contact met ons opneemt

28 Juli 2004 (Junker) – Er is iets zeer groots gaande dat invloed zal hebben op iedere VS site en iedere migratie of conversie die nog niet voorbij het punt van geen weg terug is. We kunnen geen details onthullen op de website. Het maakt niet uit of uw installatie in onderhoud is of niet, onder de juiste licentie werkt of niet; dit is iets dat u moet weten. Neem voor meer informatie onmiddellijk contact op. Er zijn details die we nog niet kunnen bespreken, maar als u met ons contact opneemt kunnen we u globaal vertellen waar het om gaat.

Een speciaal verzoek aan de vele leden van de VS gemeenschap die deze pagina’s bezoeken maar ons nog nooit een E-mail gestuurd hebben: Nu is het moment voor iedere VS site van willekeurig type en locatie om contact met ons op te nemen voor dit cruciaal belangrijk nieuws. Stuur ons alstublieft nu een E-mail.

Klik hier om een E-mail te verzenden met het verzoek om meer informatie. Thomas Junker zal persoonlijk een antwoord sturen.


Brådskande och viktigt att ni kontaktar oss omedelbart!

04-07-28 (Junker) – Det är något mycket stort på gång, som påverkar varje VS-site och varje flyttning eller konvertering, som inte redan är utan återvändo. Vi kan inte avslöja några detaljer här på websiten. Det spelar ingen roll om er site är på underhåll eller inte, om den är ordentligt licensierad eller inte; detta är något ni måste känna till. För att bli orienterade, bör ni kontakta oss genast. Det finns detaljer som vi ännu inte kan diskutera, men när ni hör av er, kan vi sätta er in i vad det handlar om.

Ett särskilt meddelande till alla de VS-medlemmar som besöker dessa sidor, men aldrig mailat oss: Nu är det dags för varje VS-site av vad slag det vara må, att ta kontakt för dessa avgörande viktiga nyheter. Var snälla och maila oss nu.

Klicka här för att skicka ett e-mail och få mer information. Thomas Junker svarar personligen.


Veuillez nous contacter immédiatement !

2004-07-28 (Junker) – Il y aura prochainement quelque chose de vraiment important qui peut affecter tous les sites VS ainsi que toutes les migrations ou conversions qui n’ont pas encore dépassé le point de non-retour. Nous ne pouvons pas divulguer les détails ici sur le Website. Que votre site soit en maintenance ou non, en ordre de licences ou non, il s’agit d’une chose capitale que vous devez absolument savoir. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez nous contacter immédiatement. Certains détails ne peuvent pas encore être discutés mais si vous nous contactez, nous pourrons vous dire de quoi il s’agit.

Note spéciale aux nombreux membres de la communauté VS ayant déjà consulté ces pages mais qui ne nous ont jamais envoyé un mail: C’est le moment maintenant pour chaque site VS, quelque soit le type ou le lieu, de nous contacter à propos de cette information cruciale. Contactez-nous via mail dès maintenant.

Appuyez ici pour une demande d’information par mail. Thomas Junker vous répondra personnellement.


Dringend, daß Sie uns sofort in Verbindung treten

28 Juli, 2004 (Junker) – Es gibt etwas sehr grosses im Gange, das jede VS Stelle und jede Miration oder Umwandlung beeinflussen wird, die nicht schon am Punkt von keiner Rückkehr vorbeigegangen sind. Wir können die Details hier auf der Website nicht aufdecken. Es macht nicht aus, ob Ihre Stelle auf Wartung oder nicht auf Wartung ist, ordentlich genehmigt oder nicht; dies ist etwas, das Sie ungefähr wissen müssen. Sie sollen sofort mit uns in Verbindung treten. Es gibt Details, die wir noch nicht diskutieren können, aber wenn Sie mit uns im kontakt kommen, können wir Ihnen gewöhnlich erzählen, was dies ungefähr ist.

Eine spezielle Anmerkung zu den vielen Mitgliedern von VS Gemeinschaft, die diese Seiten besuchen, aber uns nie ein email geschickt haben: Jetzt ist die Zeit für jede VS Stelle von irgendeinem Typ oder Ort in kontakt für diese entscheidend wichtigen Nachrichten zu erhalten. Bitte email uns jetzt.

Klicken Sie hier, eine E-mail zu schicken die um mehr Informationen bittet. Thomas Junker antwortet persönlich.
